Samstag, 1. November 2008

And again - I took the bait ...

... and bought - yes, I bought it: it is really expansiv but not as expensiv if you bought it in Europe. I hesitate to show you a foto of that - I think you will begin to laugh - ok I do it
This jacket costed about 680 bucks (that would be in Europe about € 430,-) - but those (or similar jackets) are strongly recomended in the north of Alberta, where I want to go in a few weeks. But one thing is clear too: in Winters as we are experiencing in the center of Europe there will be no need to wear more than a shirt under this jacket when you are going for a winter hike. But at temperatures about - 20° to sometimes -35° or 40° I think, this investation is not a luxury. Oh yes, I forgot to mention the brandname - Canada Goose. (In fact in Europe you would pay for the same jacket about € 630,-)

Oh - I forgot to mention too:

Yesterday I finished my second week im my TOEFL-Class. I was able to improve again and raised my score from 93 to 106 out of 120 (95 are the limit to enroll to Toronto University - as we were told) - I'm really enjoying this fact - and again: If my former English teacher knew this, they would be really flabbergasted about this fact.

God bless you

Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2008

Ich habe diese Diaschau wohl auch ....

... auf der Schönbacher Pfarrhomepage verlinkt, aber auch hier möchte ich diese Diaschau als kleinen Gruß und Segenswunsch meinerseits an alle Leser/innen verstanden wissen.

(und ihr dürft auch wissen, dass ich mir ein neues Spielzeug über's Internet zugelegt habe, mit dem man solche Dinge machen kann - einfach amazing and I like it ...)

God bless you (obwohl uns der Liturgiker gesagt hat, nicht zu doppeln ...)

Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2008

Es ist ein wenig ambivalent ...

weil ich einerseits mit einer Nachricht umgehen muss, die mich betroffen macht, aber andererseits auch wieder gerade heute bemerkt habe, dass es mir gut geht - ja, irgendwie - das fällt mir nicht leicht zu formulieren - aber ich denke, es ist das beste Wort - glücklich bin.
Auf meinem Schulweg habe ich - ganz "jugendlich" meine IPod Stöpseln im Ohr (als Erwachsener habe ich mir natürlich Sennheiserstöpseln geleistet) und heute habe ich folgendes gehört, und das möchte ich euch nicht vorenthalten (Blackmore`s Night - ja, es ist Ritchie B. von Deep Purple ...)

As I went a walking
One morning in spring
I met with some travelers
On an old country lane
One was an old man
The second a maid
The third was a young boy who smiled as he said

"With the wind in the willows
The birds in the sky
There's a bright sun to warm us wherever we lie...
We have bread and fishes and a jug of red wine
To share on our journey with all of mankind".

So I asked them to tell me their name and their race
So I could remember each smile on their face
"Our name, they mean nothing...
They change throughout time
So come sit beside us and share in our wine"

So I sat down beside them
With flowers all around
We et from a mantle
Spread out on the ground
They told me of prophets
And peoples and kings
And all of the one god that knows everything
"We're traveling to Glaston
Over England's gren lanes
To hear of men's troubles
To hear of their pains
We travel the wide world
Over land and the sea
To tell all the people
How they can be free..."

So sadly I left them
On that old country lane
For I knew that I'd never see them again
One was an old man
The second a maid
The third was a young boy who smiled as he said...

Damit belasse ich´s mal für heute

God bless you

Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2008

Hello, all together in Schönbach

I think it is necessary to write in English today, because tomorrow I have a test and writing my blog in English is like an exercise for me. Today I show you my last class.
You see, I'm really the oldest in this group. Even our teacher (she is wearing the traditional hijab - the original name of the islamic headscarf) Yusra was about 20 years younger than me. But as you can see: a really international group: One German (with Russian roots), one Italy, one Austria, one Dane, three Southkorean, three from Brazil, one from Mexico and one from Venezuela.

What else happened in the last few days. The story about my mug I told you the last week - oh - I have to admit that on Sunday afternoon a toke the bait and went to Eaton Center to buy some clothes. Yes I know that I shouldn't do this, but the temptation was too big - many clothes were sold about 20% or 30% reduced and so I bought a really cool Timberland pullover and a black fleece jacket - you have to know, that next Saturday there is a big feast in the Parish and the Archbishop will come. So I need something more formal to wear - dress code - and that's the reason (and of course: Clothes are rather cheap here in comparison to Europe - even if you are focused on quality).

Yes - and as a little message to the third class of the secondary school in Schönbach: I'm so sorry, but I think I am going to win the wager we made just exactly one year and eight month ago. I'm still not smoking - and I like it and I feel really a lot of better than I felt in the time when I was a smoker.

I appeal: Don't be a jerk and begin this stupid addiction; it cost's a lot of money (I think the value of a car in the twenty years I was smoking) and it's really hard to kick this habit. But I also know, that appealings of adults are often rather senseless. I try it anyway.

So I finish now as a usually finish my blogposts with my traditional

God bless you all together