Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2009

Culture Day in the Dene Thá School

This day and tomorrow are culture days in the school. Several traditional skills are demonstrated to the children - for instance:
  • tanning a moose hide
  • making models of a birch bark canoe and producing birch bark baskets
  • beadworks (for instance necklaces)
  • cooking moose meat and beaver tail
  • traditional handgames
  • teadance; drummers ...
I began to film today, but I need a few more shots wich I was not able to get today. So you have to wait probably until friday morning for the film. But I promise to deliver it as soon as possible.
For "consolation" a short film of horses - I saw them when I was going home - and honestly: they are really amazing - they look really majestic ...

2 Kommentare:

Kanzelschwalbe hat gesagt…


gerhardgruber hat gesagt…

You`ll welcome ;)