Deacon Bill picked me up yesterday to visit some sites which are very important for Christianity and foremost for the Canadian Chatholic Church. The shrine and Ste Marie-among-the-Hurons I described two days ago.
So Bill brought me yesterday to the place, were two of the Jesuit priests in the first part of the 17th century occured their martyr. On a place about 10km away from Ste. Marie-among-the-Hurons were found the rest of two poles in the soil. It´s was not usual two have two poles in the middle of a native village, but historicans knew from old letters of the Jesuits, that St. Jean Brebeuf and St. Gabriel Lalemant were killed by Iroquese conquerer together after they were tortured at the same time on the same place. So it´s quite sure, that only this place could be the place, where their martyrdom happened.
Then Deacon Bill brought me to another place, rather far away from the last one. This place is called Tabaquoas - on August, the 12th 1615 the first mass was said there by a Franziscane priest. The local history says, that he had to wait three days for the arrivel of the famous French explorer Champlain, because Champlain, after crossing Ste. Lawrence River had to build new ships upside Niagara-Falls to go deeper into the continent (you have to know, that Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan and Lake Superior are above Lake Eire - and between Lake Ontario and Lake Eire are Niagara-Falls).
Additionally interesting for me was to recognize the difference between mainly by French people settled areas and those which are mainly settled by English rooted people. The French settled areas are a bit more similar to Europe. You can see this if you look on the fields. Former English farmland, which is not longer in use as this gets to bush. In the French dominated area, only a few kilometers away there are many more little farms, and they appeared quite familiar to me - just like at home.
After visiting the site Tabaquios Bill brought me to Cedar Point, where ferries bring people to the First Nation Reservation of Christian Island, where now Obijewan Nation lives. This island is insofar interesting, for it was the place to which the rest of the Jesuits and the baptized Hurons fled, after they had given up St. Marie-among-the-Hurons in 1649.
So I hope I did not make to many mistakes, at the latest tomorrow their will be new pictures about this trip in my internet-album.
So now I have to celebrate mass, then it is lunch-time (yummie) and then I am going to learn canouing - I´m so upset that you cannot go with me - (und jetzt halte ich mich zurück :-))))) )
God bless you
vor 6 Jahren
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